Skinny Genes Java - Coffee Mug
Skinny Genes Java - Logo

This delicious cup of coffee delivers an exotic once in a lifetime coffee experience that will be everything you've wanted each and every morning with great taste and fat-burning power!

Skinny Genes Java™ was created by two brilliant women who brought their cutting-edge science and knowledge to Xtreme Healthy Lifestyles™. Leading this project is “World-Renowned Scientist” Dr. Ann de Wees Allen and Roast Master Kristy Virtue that completes this extraordinary team with their 30 plus years of experience to bring you the “First Scientifically Smart Coffee with Metabolic Intelligence & Award-Winning Technology.”

Why Coffee?
Our team knew by introducing this amazing technology through a simplistic delivery process of doing things we do every day like drinking coffee, would make burning-fat fun and easy!

Did you Know?
52% of coffee drinkers would rather go without a shower in the morning than give up coffee.
49% of coffee drinkers would rather give up their cell phone for a month than go without coffee.

THIS IS WHY we wanted to make sure we brought you the most deliciously, intelligent fat-burning coffee we could!

See below how others have had their lives changed because of Skinny Genes Java™ !

Are Your Ready To "Put The SKINNY Back In YOUR Genes?"

Read these Life Changing Stories and See How People Like You Have
"Put The Skinny Back In Their Genes!"

Skinny Genex - Before & After - Kelsey

My name is Kelsey Murray.

During my whole childhood, I struggled with my weight. At age 10, I weighed 150 lbs. I was the fat kid in school everybody knew. I have always battled losing this weight and was never successful. At age 18, I was at my heaviest at 215 lbs.! A little over six months ago, I began drinking SkinnyGenex™ Tea and it has changed my life! I can proudly say I am closer to my goal weight that I've ever been.

I have lost 70 lbs. and went from a size 18 down to a size 7! More… I call it the loophole to weight loss! So, thank you Mike Babcock President of Xtreme Healthy Lifestyles and thank you Dr. Allen for these amazing Products. When all hope was lost, this was the light at the end of the tunnel I've been chasing.

My name is Joe Medrano. 

II have struggled with my weight since I was a kid. I have always battled losing weight, and when I would lose it, I would start to put it back on a few months later when I stopped dieting. A little over five months ago, I began drinking the SkinnyGenes Java™ Coffee. I was introduced to it 6 months before that, but I did not believe you could lose weight just by drinking coffee so I kept saying no thank you. I am glad my friend Pete Matheson kept telling me to just try it. When I did, I thought wow this coffee really tastes good, so I thought okay, it costs a bit more than the regular coffee I buy but I will give it a try and took the 90-Day challenge.

I am glad I did! I lost 24 pounds in 90 days and continue to lose weight. What I have been most impressed with is that I lost the weight during the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) and without dieting or working out. I continue to drink the coffee every day and occasionally drink the tea (which also tastes great) in the afternoon. I am able to lose weight without having to deprive myself of eating things I enjoy. I probably could have lost more weight faster, but I wanted to see if I could lose the weight without having to change my normal habits (I was already drinking regular coffee every day. Now I drink the Skinny Genes Java Coffee everyday) and it works.

Skinny Gene Java - Before & After - Joe
Skinny Genex - Before & After - Lynn

My name is Lynn Cooper and I am a Registered Nurse, Wife, and Mother. I worked as a RN in a busy Emergency Departments for 28 of my 30 years in my Nursing Career. Being part of the Medical Industry I was initially very skeptical when my friend introduced the products to me. I was gaining weight especially around my mid-section. I would diet – the low fat – fat-free way, exercise and didn’t understand why I was going up and down with my weight. I suffered from blood sugar crashes not realizing that my regular coffee, tea and diet sodas were causing it. I am mostly Italian and food is a passion in our family. More… Then one day my doctor told me that my lipid profile was not good and that I needed to start medication. I called my friend 5 months later after she initially told me about Dr. Allen’s products to ask if I may try the products for 90 days.

Now It’s Time for You to Become 
One of 
Our Success Stories!

Turn your everyday habit into the solution you've been dreaming of!
Burn fat, drop your pant size and keep it off!

"Getting Fit Couldn’t Be Any Easier"

Try Skinny Gene Java  Coffee Today!